Sims 4 CC

Marijuana Brand Signs for Sims 4
Marijuana Brand Signs, needs Get To Work 5 Table Signs also need Get to Work

22 Marijuana Menus for Sims 4 **UPDATED**
22 Marijuana Menu Signs for your Sim Dispensary, needs University to work. UPDATED 5/22/2021

Mary Jane Pillow Set for Sims 4
19 Mary Jane Quilt Pillows get mesh https://www.tumblr.com/peacemaker-ic/148881374465/yes-another-living-room-set-i-love-choice-and-i here

Bong Recolors and Ash Tray with Joint and Roaches for Sims 4
4 Ashtrays with a Joint and full of roaches found in plants Needs Basemental Drugs to work 8 working bong recolors also needs Basemental Drugs to work

Flamingo Bay Camper for Sims 4
use bb.moveobjects Click here for the CC that I made for this Camper in one zip file Here is the rest of the Custom Content Kitchenette – Modern Platform and Bed Beach Art Bed Set Wallpaper End Table Hall Table Rugs Flamingo Art Lounge Set Bar Stools plants Fridge