Sims 4 CC

Sims 4 Hippie Weed Bedding
27 swatches Mesh https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-adultbedroom/title/yuna-bedroom-sleepeng-part/id/1498378/

Sims 4 Hello Kitty and Friends Showers
65 swatches pink white and black mixed this needs Parenthood to work. I just bought this pack for the shower =)

100 Pot Leaf Weed Showers for Sims 4
lol, yes 100 of them 50 white and 50 black, each curtain has a white and a black tub this needs parenthood to work =)

Sims 4 Bright Counter Set
counter, cabinets, island, and fridge 36 colors merged set, needs Dream Home Decorator

Barbie Kitchen Table Set for Sims 4
26 colors, Table Chair, and Stool Merged =) needs pets and laundry packs